Read New Collection 2018


The new pushes us, excites us, intrigues us and takes us ... something new ?!

Rosabella Endless rose, eternal rose, is the novelty! A collection inspired by little enchanted worlds, where the roses (true stabilized roses), majestic protagonists, show and increase all their beauty within this vitreous globe, which protects them. Endless rose, rose without end, was presented at Homi Milano in the September 2017 edition, with a strong positive response.

The Collection is divided into three types of products:

Globes - the beauty of a stabilized real rose, unique in its genre because it is completely natural, maintains its characteristics unchanged over time, thanks to a specific closing process in a vitreous globe decorated with Crystals from Swarovski. Globes are available in small size (composition with a rose), or in the larger measure where we can have the combination of three single color / multicolor roses or composition with a large rose. The compositions provide for the insertion, according to the article, of silver elements.

-    Globe Diffusers - glass globes, decorated with Crystals from Swarovski, semi-open, so you can use the fragrances Rosabella ESSENCE and perfume the roses giving a touch of scent to the environment. The diffuser globes are available in small size (composition with a rose), or in the larger measure where we can have the combination of three single color roses.

      Tealight Holder - to the beauty of the natural composition is added the function, vitreous globe with stabilized roses, embellished with Crystals from Swarovski, with candle-holder function, each candle a different fragrance. Candle holders available in small size (composition with a rose), or in the largest measure where we can have the combination of three single-color / multicolor roses or composition with a large rose. The compositions provide for the insertion, according to the article, of silver elements.


  New: large globes and tealight holders are also available with Rosa Rainbow!
Brightly colored rose, each petal a color.
USEFUL - create the right atmosphere and perfume your home
PRECIOUS - decorated with Crystals from Swarovski
EMOTIONAL - the beauty of a stabilized real rose that will last over time
UNIQUE - handmade product with an innovative design
Come and discover the New Collection!
ROSABELLA ENDLESSROSE: the only rose that will make you remember in time!

Postato Venerdi 26 Gennaio 2018 - 14:53

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