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Crystal Flowers

The Shop “Pozzo dei Desideri” close to Grosseto (Italy), presents Crystal Design flowers in a very elegant and sophisticated way. The compositions realized with textile roses and orchids underline how, on every package, the use of crystals gives value and enriches with light every single object: a vase, a bonbonniere or a bunch of flowers...



In the section dedicated to bonbonnieres we can find a beautiful  example presented us by the shop “Giorgio III” close to Torino (Italy). The flower made of crystal, ready for party, is adorned with bows and sugared almonds and it is suitable to remember a special day or moment.

In the shop “Pensieri in Fiore” close to Savona (Italy), the flowers made of Crystal born and grow up in small vases used for only one flower. They are enclosed by small coloured stones that give life to the surrounding space. The gift is ready.... and you can display it wherever you want.


For Halloween and for all the following occasions it's a good idea to match crystal flowers with chocolates. From Crystal Design Factory in Milan a presentation nice to see but also good to taste. 


What about you? What would you create with Crystal flowers?

If you have any ideas or you have already used  the Crystal flowers to create artistic compositions or particular decorations send us an e-mail ( and soon you will see the pictures of your creations here on our website.


Postato Giovedi 31 Ottobre 2013 - 18:24

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